It has been a very busy time for Nail treatments since their Launch in Mid-September. Please see below pictures of my most recent Manicures and Pedicures. As well as this, there is also images of one of my client’s nails at the time of Gel Application and then her nails at the time of removal 3 Weeks afterwards. This particular client is a Professional Gardner and was extremely pleased with how well her nails had lasted, considering the heavy work they had been doing. Apart from one small scratch to the thumb they were still perfect.
The one main feedback from all of my clients so far has been that they cannot believe how long their nails have lasted and how much they grow in the time that their polish is on. This is due to Mii’s ingredient technology in their products which allows ultimate care for the nails. To read more about their ingredient technology, please see my other Post in the News and Events Page…